.IN Promotion by .IN Registry –> GetYourOwn.in to GO.in or Be.in?

Most of the domain extensions in general has a dedicated promotional website to encourage the respective extension adoption, .IN domain extension also has a dedicated website for the extension promotion. You can access the same website using GetYourOwn.in.

GetYourOwn.in offers the prospective registrants / businesses to search for the domain name of their choice, if the domain names is available they can choose a registrar of their choice from list of pre-defined registrars and can complete their registration.

Picture 1: Home Page to search the domain name of ones choice

Picture 2: If the domain name is available, one can proceed to complete the registration

Its seems to be .IN registry also going to start a blog on this website , recently they have introduced the blog feature and made a sample post. I have spoken to many .IN registrants and they really wish .IN registry to be more open to keep publishing the news and updates time to time on registry blog or website. This is the minimum thing expected from registry , registry definitely doing loads of good stuff in the background however if they are not publishing the information to the public consumption the perception of the public unchanged and leading to feel registry is not doing anything for .IN . Per example how many .IN / .CO.in / .org.in / .net.in names are registered by extension-wise? A simple question but no answer anywhere. Clearly the onus is on the marketing department of registry who should come forward to start sharing more information proactively to avoid the gap between registry and public.

GetYourOwn.in is a nice website, however there is an element of opportunity to improve this further by re-designing the website and also re-branding the website to keep it a shorter, sweeter and simpler URL like GO.in or BE.in. It is vital for the success of .IN extension and also to improve the branding experience it need to be re-branded to “Go.in” or “Be.in”. Just a humble request from a .IN FAN 🙂


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