LLL.in Domain Names – Hottest Liquid Assets of .IN Domain Extension

LLL.in domain names are indeed proven overtime as one of the finest liquid domain names categories and clearly the hottest liquid assets in .IN domain name extension.

Our.in has done an exclusive analysis of ownership changes of LLL.in domain names gone through over last 6 months. We are publishing few key notes to attention of our.in readers. We are aware of the key changes like exact ownership changes however not publishing the individual names respecting the personal privacy of those old and new owners. All we can say looking into the data is western companies or western domain investors are shown increased interest in taking the ownership controls on LLL.in category names.

  • LLL.in domain names are owned by 79 country residents. .IN is clearly a short form of International or Internet or Insurance or Independent ..etc. 79 country residents owning LLL.in names is a lot for a ccTLD  🙂
  • USA has increased its share from 25 to 26 % , its showing the growing interest of US domain investors or users in owning LLL.in domain names
  • Indian residents ownership share remains at 24%
  • United Kingdom,China,Germany, France residents ownership share also unchanged
  • Curacao has made a surprise entry with 3%  for obvious reasons 🙂
  • Netherland share has reduced from 4% to 2%
  • Canada has increased its ownership share from 5% to 6%
  • Ecuador is lost its top 10 slot , seems to be some consolidation of assets happen mainly moved to western countries
  • Poland share of 1% is reduced to 0.7% now

LLLDistributionbyCountry P.S: Data we have considered for this analysis is the who is data of 14th January 2017.


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