About .IN Domain Name Registration Number Stats:
In May 2017,for first time .IN registry has published the number of .IN domain names (Including all other third level extensions such as .co.in, .gov.in, .net.in..etc) registered directly on .IN registry official website , total count of .IN domain registrations as of May 2016 were 2,089,561. Starting May 2016, .IN registry has published the statistics at regular periods like weekly once until early weeks of February 2017 however stopped publishing the same stats for undisclosed reasons. Many domain registrants were speculated that .IN registry is concerned about the amount of domain names drops and hence stopped publishing the results.
I believe to restore the confidence in .IN extension or could be for normal operational reasons, .IN registry has started publishing the stats. In Our.in-India’s Pride opinion, indeed a positive move and right step for being transparent to display the decline of registrations too. The total number of .IN registrations as of 30th June 2017 are 2,08,884. It’s clearly alot lesser than the 1st of May 2016 registration numbers. Also comparing to the previous published stats (as of January 2017) its a decline of 202,647 names.
Nearly account to 10% of the overall zone file and its indeed a huge percentage of decline, the other hand the decline is linked to a mass drop of 4L.in (LLLL.in), 4N.co.in (NNNN.co.in), 5N.in(NNNNN.in),6N.in(NNNNNN.in)..etc category domain names registered by domain name investors from china.
Source of the Registration Numbers Count: Registry.in
Date | Registration Numbers | Net Change Compare to Previous Reported Period |
01-May-16 | 2,089,561 | NA |
01-Jun-16 | 2,103,320 | 13,759 |
01-Jul-16 | 2,114,209 | 10,889 |
01-Aug-16 | 2,138,864 | 24,655 |
01-Sep-16 | 2,156,428 | 17,564 |
01-Oct-16 | 2,178,238 | 21,810 |
01-Nov-16 | 2,194,493 | 16,255 |
01-Dec-16 | 2,196,258 | 1,765 |
01-Jan-17 | 2,205,720 | 9,462 |
01-Feb-17 | 2,221,531 | 15,811 |
01-Mar-17 | Registry has not updated the stats | Registry has not updated the stats |
01-Apr-17 | Registry has not updated the stats | Registry has not updated the stats |
01-May-17 | Registry has not updated the stats | Registry has not updated the stats |
01-Jun-17 | Registry has not updated the stats | Registry has not updated the stats |
01-Jul-17 | 2,018,884 | -202,647 |
We are optimisitc , we believe the growth story will continue.What do you predict for the next month? Do you forecast a positive growth or a decline in the total number of .IN domain name registrations ? Feel free to express your opinion by commenting on this blog. Every Opinion Counts.