.IN registrations number has changed to 2,094,760. How to increase the growth rate?

As per INregistry website Number of .IN registrations were 2,089,561 as of 3rd May 2016 and the same number has changed to 2,094,760 as of 14th May 2016 , it’s a net increase of 5199 names.

If the .IN registrations are growing at this rate, in next 1 year circa 145, 971 new registrations will be added to .IN zone file making the total number of registrations reaching to 2,240,731 names.

How .IN registrations numbers can grow at aggressive rate?

Government should show bit more attention to .IN usage:

  • As part of Digital India /Startup India initiatives, .IN should be promoted as a preferred extension over other domain extensions and should pass some specific benefits of using .IN over other extensions to start ups. In recent weeks, I believe Start-up India team start emailing the new start-ups and encouraging them to use .IN, which is indeed a very good move. At the same time I sincerely believe there is a clear need to pass on some benefits of using .IN over other extensions by Start-ups.


  • Offering the renewal promo is one of the options, this will help to reduce the number of names getting dropped as it certainly helps small businesses who are keen to optimize their operating costs
  • Offering new registrations promos also helps to increase the number of .IN registrations and it indeed helps micro and small businesses operating from rural areas in coming online , several millions of small businesses yet to come online.

Advertising :

  • INRegistry is doing a good job in promoting in social media platforms like twitter / facebook.
  • It is important to advertise the importance of .IN in Print and as well as electronic media, there is bit of such promotion happening as of today however its too little.

Policy Changes:

  • .IN Policy has been in force for almost 11 years and the world has moved a lot since then , its the time for the policies to be re-written
    • In today’s world with millions of businesses coming online , many are bound to have the same/similar name. Just because an existing business has a name, it cannot have a claim on the domain itself. Rather , that business should either go for any other extension under .In like .Co.in, .net.in, .org.in, .firm.in , .gen.in which it considers worthy of itself etc. Or pay fair market value of a name and purchase .
    • .IN domains should be allowed to be traded at registrar sales platforms, which is a common standard for almost all major domain extensions
    • As domains are scarce and limited in numbers , many people buy names and may want to open a business on it in future – maybe after 7-8 years . They should be allowed to rather than the plethora of non-use arguments put forward. In India it is always a common practice for people to buy land/art and keep it for years before selling it or build shop/house on it. Does it mean that just because they are not using it should not belong to them? In that case properties and heritage houses worth several billion dollars should basically not be with their original owners
    • Domain parking should be made legal : A fair comparison here is to an empty land, an empty land in India can be allowed to use some means to generate a bit of extra income until a new shop or house build on it, in a similar way a domain owner who has reserved the domain name for future use , may like to make little bit of extra income to pay towards the renewal fees or to gain the funds towards future development costs, hence on a fair note it should be allowed to monetize the traffic

Readers, perhaps you may have better ideas on how the numbers can be increased at aggressive speed. Feel free to share your constructive feedback by commenting on this article


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