JULY -.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales Overview

In the month of July, 32 .IN&.CO.IN domain name sales took place in the marketplaces like DaaZ.com and Sedo and Inbackorder.com.Out of Thirty Two domain sales, 30 domain sales were from DaaZ.com, and 1 from Sedo, and 1 from Inbackorder.com

The best sale of the month is “Liqueurs.in“, it sold out for 2415 USD at the DaaZ.com on the 24th of July 2020.

July-.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales overview

After the Liqueurs.in the next best sale is the Buylocal.in sold for 2000 USD on 23-07-2020 at the Sedo.

The Payg.in sold for 2000 USD on 17-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Juju.in sold for 2000 USD on 13-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Iyers.in. sold for 1994 USD on 24-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Invincible.in sold for 1920 USD on 27-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Ssc.in sold for 1865 USD on 24-07-2020 at the Inbackorder.com.

The Smartshop.in sold for 1535 USD on 28-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Indianwhisky.in sold for 1050 USD on 24-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Schnapps.in sold for 945 USD on 24-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Etv.in sold for 510 USD on 15-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Proof.in sold for 299 USD on 27-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Medicineonline.in sold for 350 USD on 19-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Fake.in sold for 300 USD on 26-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Tja.in sold for 250 USD on 17-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Carinsure.in sold for 225 USD on 19-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Secondhandlaptops.in sold for 200 USD on 21-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Emt.in sold for 200 USD on 12-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Misa.in sold for 200 USD on 12-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Fashionworld.in sold for 150 USD on 16-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Soya.in sold for 100 USD on 21-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Fuel.co.in sold for 100 USD on 16-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Kidszone.in sold for 100 USD on 14-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Ozy.in sold for 80 USD on 13-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Domainconsultant.in sold for 60 USD on 13-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Breakup.in sold for 60 USD on 14-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Fine.co.in sold for 50 USD on 14-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Fashionshow.in sold for 50 USD on 14-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Funezone.in sold for 50 USD on 14-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Qhb.in sold for 50 USD on 12-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Gzp.in sold for 40 USD on 12-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

The Fudi.in sold for 40 USD on 09-07-2020 at the DaaZ.com.

Domain Name Date Price Venue
Liqueurs.in 2,415 24-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Buylocal.in 2,000 23-Jul-2020 Sedo
Payg.in 2,000 17-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Juju.in 2,000 13-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Iyers.in 1,994 24-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Invincible.in 1,920 27-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Ssc.in 1,865 24-Jul-2020 Inbackorder.com
Smartshop.in 1,535 28-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Indianwhisky.in 1,050 24-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Schnapps.in 945 24-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Etv.in 510 15-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Proof.in 299 27-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Fake.in 300 26-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Tja.in 250 17-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Carinsure.in 225 19-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Medicineonline.in 350 19-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Secondhandlaptops.in 200 21-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Emt.in 200 12-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Misa.in 200 12-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Fashionworld.in 150 16-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Soya.in 100 21-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Fuel.co.in 100 16-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Kidszone.in 100 14-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Ozy.in 80 13-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Domainconsultant.in 60 13-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Breakup.in 60 14-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Fine.co.in 50 14-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Fashionshow.in 50 14-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Funzone.in 50 14-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Qhb.in 50 12-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Gzp.in 40 12-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com
Fudi.in 40 9-Jul-2020 DaaZ.com

Please report the sales to us:

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  1. a) If you are a business and looking to acquire.IN domain names for your business use, feel free to contact us for getting the free advisory service from Our.in experts. We are here to help you. Feel free to write to us Support[at]Our.in
  2. b) Are you unsure what could be the best domain name for your business? We are here to help you.

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