Tag Archives: .CO.IN Domain Names

Why .IN is the most preferred domain name extension in India?

The .IN domain is the most preferred domain extension in India for several reasons: National Identity: The .IN domain represents India, giving businesses, organizations, and individuals a clear association with the country. This national identity helps establish trust and credibility among local users and can be an important factor for businesses targeting the Indian market. Local SEO Benefits: Using a …

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Marketing a Product or Service Registering Multiple Domain Names

Registering multiple domains can be a part of a marketing strategy, but it’s not a guaranteed “best” approach. Whether it’s beneficial depends on your specific goals and situation. Here are some potential marketing benefits of having multiple domains: 1. Targeted campaigns: Different domains can be used for highly targeted campaigns with specific landing pages, tailored content, and keywords, appealing to …

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How Much My Domain Name Worth?

You’ve struck gold! You’ve unearthed the perfect domain name – a catchy, evocative string of characters destined to be the beating heart of your online venture. But before you raise the digital banner, there’s one crucial question: how much is this linguistic gem worth? Fear not, intrepid entrepreneur, for this blog post will crack the code on domain appraisal, empowering …

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What price should I pay to register a domain name ?

The price you should pay for a domain name can vary greatly depending on several factors, so unfortunately there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. However, I can give you some guidance to help you determine a reasonable price to register a domain name: Common Range: New domain names: Generally, brand new domain names cost between $5 to $50 per year. Popular registrars may charge around $15 …

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A total of 1241 .IN extension and 248 .CO.IN domain names are scheduled for release on the 27th of July 2021. I have picked up some of the domain names personally liked. Please check the list below. Domain Name Length of the Domain name Registered Year TLD’s Registered Search Volume CPC helpit.in 6 2020 74 880 3.57 USD homebody.in 8 2020 69 60.5 K 0.33 …

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[Part-2: .co.in] Usage of keyword “kart” for ecommerce/shopping/product and service information .co.in websites

In an earlier post on the above-mentioned subject title, a list of developed .in websites was shared. The following is a compilation of developed .co.in websites, in alphabetical order, which has the keyword “kart“: Auto Kart autokart.co.in Corporate Kart corporatekart.co.in Divine Kart divinekart.co.in Field Kart fieldkart.co.in Happy Kart happykart.co.in IT Kart itkart.co.in Kashmir Kart kashmirkart.co.in Medi Kart medikart.co.in Mob Kart …

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The following is a compilation of .in/.co.in developed websites for the keyword flower/florist: City Flowers cityflowers.co.in Arena Flowers arenaflowers.co.in Flower Portal flowerportal.in Easy Flowers easyflowers.co.in Just Flower justflower.in Flowera flowera.in Buy Flower buyflower.in May Flower mayflower.in Exotica Flowers exoticaflowers.in The Flower Company theflowercompany.in Flower Shop 18 flowershop18.in A1 City Flowers a1cityflowers.in Delhi Flowers flowerstodelhi.co.in Chandigarh Florist chandigarhflorist.co.in Chandigarh Florist chandigarhflorist.in …

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A total of 647 .IN extension and 148 .CO.IN domain names are scheduled for release on 1st of June 2019. I have picked up some of the domain names personally liked. Please check the list below. Domain Name Length of the Domain name Registered Year TLD’s Registered Search Volume CPC in USD schweizer.in 9 2014 257 301.0 K 0.64 themountain.in 11 2015 62 165.0 K 0.94 mindpeace.in …

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NEW INDRP Disputes -May 2019

6 new INDRP disputes have been logged on 20th May 2019  in relation to the domain names BROOKSRUNNING.IN, 7ELEVEN.CO.IN, BLUESTAR-SERVICE-CENTER.IN, BROOKSRUNNING.CO.IN, ZOOMCAR.CO.IN, and  JUUL.CO.IN ownership. Complainant Guess: BROOKSRUNNING.IN & BROOKSRUNNING.CO.IN: Very likely the complainant should be Brooks running. It is an e-commerce website. The Complainant owns domain name like: Brooksrunning.com Brooksathlete.com Movingcomfort.com e.t.c 7ELEVEN.CO.IN: Very likely the complainant should be 7-Eleven. It …

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A total of 598 .IN extension and 154 .CO.IN domain names are scheduled for release on 28th of May 2019. I have picked up some of the domain names personally liked. Please check the list below. Domain Name Length of the Domain name Registered Year TLD’s Registered Search Volume CPC in USD valiant.in 7 2013 116 165.0 K 0.56 digitalexperts.in 14 2013 37 1000 0.51 virtualcoach.in …

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