DECEMBER -.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales Overview

In the month of December, 17 .IN&.CO.IN domain name sales took place in the marketplaces like DaaZ.com and Sedo. Out of Seventeen domain sales, 11 domain sales were from DaaZ.com and 6 from Sedo. The best sale of the month is “Fit.in“, which sold out for 16989 USD at Sedo on the 8th of December 2021. DECEMBER-.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales overview After the Fit.in the next best …

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OCTOBER -.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales Overview

In the month of October, 11 .IN&.CO.IN domain name sales took place in the marketplaces like DaaZ.com and Sedo. Out of Eleven domain sales, 6 domain sales were from DaaZ.com and 5 from Sedo. The best sale of the month is “Fruits.in“, which sold out for 3000 USD at Sedo on the 18th of October 2021. OCTOBER-.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales overview After the Fruits.in the next …

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SEPTEMBER -.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales Overview

In the month of September, 6 .IN&.CO.IN domain name sales took place in the marketplaces like DaaZ.com and Sedo. Out of Six domain sales, 5 domain sales were from DaaZ.com and 1 from Sedo. The best sale of the month is “Bark.in“, which sold out for 8253 USD at DaaZ.com on the 17th of September 2021. SEPTEMBER-.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales overview After the Bark.in the next best sale is …

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JULY -.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales Overview

In the month of July, 12 .IN&.CO.IN domain name sales took place in the marketplaces like DaaZ.com and Sedo. Out of Twelve domain sales, 7 domain sales were from DaaZ.com and 5 from Sedo. The best sale of the month is “Superstore.co.in“, which sold out for 15000 USD at Sedo on the 16th of July 2021. JULY-.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales overview After the Superstore.co.in the next best sale is …

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JUNE -.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales Overview

In the month of June, 13 .IN&.CO.IN domain name sales took place in the marketplaces like DaaZ.com and Sedo. Out of Eleven domain sales, 8 domain sales were from DaaZ.com and 5 from Sedo. The best sale of the month is “Stake.in“, which sold out for 9455 USD at Sedo on the 15th of June 2021. JUNE-.IN & .CO.IN Domain Name Sales overview After the Stake.in the next best sale …

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