Know about the exact match domain (EMD)

The exact brand name or exact match domain name (EMD) is a domain that matches exactly with the keyword you wish to rank for.

Know about the exact match domain name (EMD)

An exact match domain (EMD) is a website domain that includes keywords that you target right which can be searched in the search results by anyone.

For example, your business is of electric works in India than the exact match domain would be and if you are trying to rank for the keyword creative thoughts then the EMD would be

The exact match of the domain name is very important and you must make sure that your clients, partners, and investors should land on your page while they search you online.

If your exact match brand name is taken by someone else then there are 100% chances of your traffic is diverted to other’s website.

Benefits of Exact Match domain

1. It helps in ranking

2. Keywords in the domain name
It is the direct benefit offered by the EMD.

3. Keywords in URL
If your keywords contain the exact business you do, keywords contain your URL which has your keywords, the links will automatically contain your keywords. That results in better ranking for the keyword.

Startups find difficult to find the EMD

  • It can be owned by someone else and the traffic is diverted to the other sites.
  • For this, you need to make sure your traffic should not get diverted.

Here is a trick short domain names are easily memorable to clients, easy conversations and low-cost advertisements, etc. It has more chance of being catchy and can be easily reminded in someone’s mind. They take less space and it will be easy to print it on any material.

Disadvantages of Exact Match domain

  • Exact match domains can be a spam tactic in their own right.
  • Some companies are creating products to cheat the Exact match domain power and selling/loaning them on to customers.
  • local terms can be monopolized, just by purchasing the EMD.

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