Common Services Centers (CSCs) are a strategic cornerstone of the Digital India programme. They are the access points for delivery of various electronic services to villages in India, thereby contributing to a digitally and financially inclusive society. To access further details about CSC , kindly access the website www.CSC.GOV.in

As per the honorable prime minister of India Mr Shri Narendra Modi, “If a huge section of the population is left out then a huge calamity may befall all of us in the form of digital divide. If we don’t spread this among the poor and in villages, our words of development shall ring hollow.”. In short , I also completely agree with Honorable PM’s views, any division either its digital or economic can easily bring calamity in long run, it is vital for any nation to establish clearly an inclusive ecosystem.
CSC brochure can be accessed here
All Common Services Centers should mandatorily register for Apna Dhan (Aadhar Enabled Payment System) (AePS – a common Uniform Payment Interface) , AePS will enable them to disburse Direct Benefit Transfer to citizens in rural areas. In terms of .IN domain names, AePs.in is owned by government’s org NPCI, however not in use at moment and hope a nice website will be offered on the same.
Registrant Name:AP Hota
CCS.gov.in website is receiving around 300k daily visits. Every citizen has to use common services in some form or shape. More awareness for .IN domain names as a result of this website is getting popular.
CSC.gov.in has published few youtube videos, those videos can provide a high level idea about the service offerings of common services centers. These are only few per example , 100’s of such services can be offered by CSCs in long run. CSCs play a vital role in reducing the digital divide and ensure the rural India is also benefit from the digital India program.
IRCTC Booking ( Kindly note the below videos are made in Hindi Language by CSC.gov.in)
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6NjPh2zLYE[/embedyt]
NSDL Pan Card:
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhM0nqPr_Aw[/embedyt]
Tele medicine:
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS5EllT8Jkc[/embedyt]
Jan Aushadhi (Generic Medicine):
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLAXHVE3NIA[/embedyt]
CAD Course:
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVizPVJ1o9Q[/embedyt]
If anyone are interested for making a new CSC applicaiton , kindly use the link: Make / Track Citizen Service Center Application
Key Message:
As per the CSC project atleast 1 CSC per each village will be authorized , means a minimum of 250K CSC’s will be in operational and assuming all these CSCs using a .IN name will bring loads of awareness and recognition for .IN domain extension and also an additional 250k .IN names will be added to zone file. I end this article with the hope that one day these citizen centers can offer the .IN registrar services too. Just imagine if each service center on average register 4 domain names per year , then its like 1 million .In registrations by these service centers alone per year. If .IN registrations are performed by these CSC’s , it will become the first of its kind by any domain extension in the world 🙂
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