Mitsu Registar Termination Declared as Illegal by Arbitration Tribunal

We have earlier covered the details about registrar termination order by NIXI and also the subsequent updates in relation to the same topic.

Our focus always on the impact the registrants were expereinced and even today our intention is always clearly to keep the registrants fully aware of whats happening as it was a painful journey for registrants, registrar and as well as registry too.

Even some of those names still not recovered fully by registrants although NIXI has given a provision to claim these names and also sent few reminders too, some people totally not successful in getting control of owning their names for several reasons. Registar Account Termination – Nixi Communication Account Termination – Stay Order from HighCourt


LATEST UPDATE FROM NIXI on MITSU REGISTAR TERMINATION Has Sent an Update to Their Customers Registar Termination by Nixi – Latest Update – 24 May 2018 Registrants Can now Transferout their Domain Names

.IN Transfer Process from Mitsu to Dynadot and Registrants – You can transfer out the domain names

We thought the issue was closed amicably between the .IN registry and Mitsu registrar, also registrants got their names back or at least a mechanism is offered for registrants to claim their domain names back.

In a quite shocking way, today we have received an email from NIXI stating the Mitsu registration license termination is identified as an illegal action by Arbitral Tribunal.

It’s sounding like there are no winners in the end:

  • It was tough time for Mitsu considering it’s lost the license and also good amount of customers, on top of that going through expensive legal battle for years.
  • Registrants also struggled hard to reclaim their domains back for number of years and still some of their names got stuck in NIXI holding registrar.
  • Registry may also devoted handful amount of legal resources to fight this case for number of years and also the reputation hurt considering the action was declared “Ilegal” by Arbitral Tribunal.

We have no further details about the Arbitral Tribunal decision at moment, we will certainly try to explore to identify the further details to give latest updates on this topic.

e-Mail from NIXI is containing the below mentioned details :



National Internet Exchange of India (hereinafter referred to as NIXI) is the official .IN registry for the purpose of running .IN and .Bharat domain registry and therefore for granting the said domain names, NIXI enters into agreements with various entities to be known as Registrars. These Registrars are accredited to offer .IN and .Bharat domain name, registration services to the users/ registrants. NIXI in view of the above entered into an agreement dated 24/02/2014 with “MITSU INC” appointing it as an accredited registrar for offering the registration services of .IN domain names to the users/registrants.

“MITSU INC”   was appointed by the NIXI as an accredited registrar for .BHARAT domain names vide the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) dated 09.09.2014.

In January 2017, NIXI received a complaint forwarded by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India raising serious allegations against “MITSU INC”.

On 03/06/2017 NIXI received another complaint against “MITSU INC” from one Mr. Dheerendra Jaiswal, alleging that Mr. Sanjeev Goyal operating “MITSU INC” was inter-alia claiming to be an influential person with respect to NIXI, was also representing him to be an agent of NIXI, he also represented that he has his servers placed right next to NIXI’s, giving him the edge to register domains, he can get the policies at registry modified and amended as per his will, that he could influence the CEO NIXI and a lot of other such claims were made. On 20.07.2017, NIXI also received certain audio clips from Mr. Dheerendra Jaiswal substantiating the above.

On 21.08.2017, NIXI received another complaint against Mr. Sanjeev Goyal operating “MITSU INC” from one Mr. Deepak Singhal alleging mal practices of charging higher price for the domain which is in violation of the .IN Registrar Accreditation Agreement.

On 22.09.2017, pursuant to receipt of the above complaints, the legal department of NIXI was constrained to issue a show cause notice dated 22.09.2017  to “MITSU INC”.  It is pertinent to mention here that NIXI is not an investigating or an enforcement authority but rather a supervisory body engaged in domain registry services.

That “MITSU INC” instead of replying to the above show cause notice preferred to have asked for confidential information such as IP addresses of the complainants, thereby loosing the confidence of NIXI. NIXI was constrained to pass a Termination order dated 20/10/2017, terminating the Registrar Accreditation Agreements with “MITSU INC”.

That “MITSU INC” thereafter invoked the Arbitration and the matter was referred to the Arbitral Tribunal under the aegis of the Delhi International Arbitration Center. The Arbitral Award was passed on 14/08/2020 thereby declaring that the Termination order dated 20.10.2017 as illegal since according to the Arbitral Tribunal the Show Cause Notice was not issued in accordance with the terms of the agreement and no efforts were made by NIXI to verify the authenticity and genuineness of the alleged complaints before passing the termination order. However the Tribunal held that “MITSU INC” is not entitled to restoration of the domain names under the Agreements.

The Tribunal has further directed NIXI to CLEARLY inform each of the erstwhile Registrants individually that the termination of “MITSU INC” accreditation was found to be illegal and that the Registrants have a choice now to shift to any Registrar of their choice.

The Tribunal has further directed that NIXI shall post a specific statement clarifying that the tribunal has found that the termination of “MITSU INC” Accreditation by NIXI was illegal and all allegations of wrongdoing against “MITSU INC” stands dismissed.

In view of the above it is hereby clarified that the termination of “MITSU INC” Accreditation by NIXI was found illegal by the Arbitral Tribunal and therefore all allegations of wrong doing against “MITSU INC” stands dismissed. The Registrants have a choice now to shift to any Registrar of their choice. In Case any Registrants require any guidance in writing from NIXI, the same shall be made available immediately.






  1. This is clearly a biased reporting…. this is clear from the post that it was a conspiracy against the registrar Mitsu Inc and that conspiracy leads to hardship to the Registrant and also reputation loosing for .IN Registry ?

    Can you please report that who is responsible for the same ? Hope .IN Registry will investigate the issue which cost them a reputation lost and also the business loss but Registrant who faced hardship will never forget these things.

    My humble wishes are with Mitsu Inc for fighting these conspirators and bringing NIXI to gave this email. It seems that conspirators will run for covers. As far as I know one of the conspirator already got taste of it own karma.

    • NIXI email has not quoted any details about conspiracy nor we have any such conspiracy evidences, without evidences it will be biased reporting if we report any conspiracy theories. As a law abiding portal, we have to respect the tribunal decision. Certainly we empthatise with Mitsu, we are just running a blog and reported things as it happen.

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